Young people continuously tell CMY that mental health is a highly stigmatised issue in the community. As such, we set out to support young people to start and lead conversations about mental health and the available supports over 12 months of community consultations and co-design.
The Mental Health Literacy Project (MHLP) developed community-led, culturally responsive and translated audio-visual resources in a range of languages, to begin conversations about mental health, raise awareness, share strategies for self-care, and provide links to professional advice and support.
The resources have been created by the Community Leadership Group for their respective communities and we encourage you to watch, discuss with loved ones, and share widely with friends, family, leaders and community members. You can also find out a bit more about the young people who created these incredible resources.
The MHLP was possible thanks to a partnership with Orygen as the mental health expert and the funding by North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network.
Click on your community to access mental health resources:
Vietnamese Community
South Sudanese Community
Arabic-speaking Communities
Pasifika Community
Karen Community

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