Empowering young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.
Our Ballarat team runs a variety of social and recreational activities, in-school sessions, one-on-one support, and training to empower and connect young people from culturally diverse backgrounds who are 12-25 years old.
Get involved to discover meaningful and fun volunteer opportunities, upcoming projects and workshops you can be part of.
Follow CMY Ballarat on Facebook.
Our Programs
Events and Activities
Our team runs events and activities for young multicultural people throughout the year. Past events have included Flourish Fest, a mental health festival, movie nights, roller skating events and more.
Follow CMY Ballarat on Facebook.
Living Stories
Have a story to tell or would like to explore one? Whether it’s about your life, culture, family, or a passion, the Living Stories project is your chance to bring it to life! Through creative workshops led by professional artists, you’ll learn exciting new ways to share your voice…on screen, through words, or even with sound and movement.
Join Us at the Table
Join us at the table is a responsive program with local parents, inviting local families to have open conversations about growing up as a multicultural young person in regional areas.
The program is focused on educational initiatives designed around the needs of young multicultural people. Partnership with headspace Ballarat.
Please register your interest by contacting:
Shiree Pilkinton | Team Leader
E | spilkinton@cmy.net.au
M | 0438 871 503
School Programs
The Ballarat team partners with local schools to deliver culturally responsive programs for young people. The team runs regular school sessions for students passionate about diversity, inclusion, and learning about other cultures.
School programs includes workshops, sport and recreational activities and more.
Please register your interest by contacting:
Briana Morrison | Senior Multicultural Youth Worker
E | bmorrison@cmy.net.au
M | 0448 623 006
Thrive Cast
‘Tiaal Mi Goa’ is proud to announce the release of ‘Thrive Cast’, a mental and social wellbeing podcast aiming to destigmatise and demystify mental health and support.
‘Thrive Cast’ is designed, produced by, and elevates the voices of young people. A diverse team of 20 young people will be creating a podcast that speaks to their unique challenges surrounding mental health support, chatting about difficult topics, providing ways to connect to support services and building healthy and inclusive communities.
‘Thrive Cast’ has been made possible thanks to Multicultural Arts Victoria and supported by VicHealth through its ‘Future Healthy: Future Reset’ program.
Youth Referral Independent Persons Program
Youth Referral and Independent Persons Program (YRIPP) delivers a system of adult volunteers to attend interviews with young people in police custody when a parent or guardian is not available.
For the YRIPP website for more information.
Please register your interest by contacting:
Mika Pediaditis
YRIPP Project Officer
E | mpediaditis@cmy.net.au
M | 0409 042 996
Youth Advisory Group
A passionate bunch of young people from Ballarat who meet once a month. YAG have input into CMY’s work, including program development and speaking on issues that should be at the forefront.
We recognise young people as experts in our work to ensure they are understood, accurately represented, and influential in Australian society.
We recruit new Youth Advisors for our YAG at the beginning of each year.
Please register your interest by contacting:
Briana Morrison | Senior Multicultural Youth Worker
E | bmorrison@cmy.net.au
M | 0448 623 006
Watch this space for the next chapter of our “Speak Up” gender equity and gendered violence project.
Stories from our network Stories
Contact us
Ballarat Region
Barkly Square, 25-39 Barkly Street,
Ballarat East, VIC 3350
M |
0448 623 006