CMY has a range of resources that can be utilised by schools for teacher professional learning, for in-class work or to share directly with students and families.
Resources for Schools
Schools Standing Up To Racism
Schools Standing Up to Racism is a collaboration between the CMY and the Victorian Department of Education and Training, offering a range of resources to support schools to address racism and discrimination in their school environment. Visit the website.
Map of Victorian Education System
Available as an interactive online resource, or as an information sheet (PDF) in a range of languages (see below under Resources for Students and Families).
Shout Out speakers bureau
You can book an engaging young person to come and speak at your school or community event. Shout Out is an innovative public speakers agency supporting multicultural young people to share their stories and perspectives with a wide range of audiences and help shift public discourse.
Our speakers have been trained and supported to deliver fresh, engaging and thought-provoking perspectives as keynote speakers, panel members or emcees for a range of settings across Victoria. Find out more.
Home Learning and the Multicultural Community
This info sheet discusses key themes; children’s mental health and wellbeing; the pressure in juggling tasks including their own work commitments and household duties; e-safety and other screen complications; how much or how little to support their children’s learning at home; and lack of support from schools. Download the info sheet.
Opening the School Gate
A resource kit that provides teachers and other school staff with a range of strategies to encourage parents and families from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds to fully participate in the educational experience of their children at school. Download the resource (PDF).
Opening the Digital School Gate
Opening the Digital School Gate provides schools with a range of considerations and practical strategies to assist in establishing a culturally inclusive digital presence. Download the resource (PDF) and the infographic (PDF).
Engaging families
For 16 ways to improve engagement of migrant and refugee families in your school, download our tip sheet (PDF).
Senior school and post-secondary transitions
What can your school do to ensure you are being inclusive of students from refugee and migrant backgrounds in post-secondary transitions? Download our resource (PDF).
Podcast Series for Schools
Digital Engagement
This podcast opens a conversation about how schools use digital platforms to engage their students and families, and how they can better meet the needs of their migrant and refugee families.
Family Engagement
In this podcast, we share a range of insights and experiences from experts in their field on how best to support and engage families of refugee and migrant students.
Post-Secondary Transitions
This podcast shares a range of insights, strategies and advice, about how to best support young people from refugee backgrounds in their transition from school to post-secondary pathways.
School Transitions
In this podcast, we share with you a range of ideas and understandings about the complex transitions experienced by refugee and migrant young people in schools.
Resources for Students and Families
There are a number of resources that provide further understanding of how families and carers can support young people in their education.
Map of Victorian Education System – information sheet (PDF)
I can – infographic resource
For tips for parents on how they can support their child’s education, download our resource (PDF). There is also an editable version available, where schools/teachers can add their contact information for parents.
I can – parents video in languages
The video below was developed as a resource for schools and community to share with parents to provide ideas for supporting students in their learning at home. It features the following languages: Dinka, Arabic, Amharic, Samoan, Swahili, Hindi, Vietnamese and English.
MY Education