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Resources for schools

Our team produces a range of resources to support schools, teachers, students and their families including reports, podcasts, infographics, and video. Click here to view.

Training and Professional Development for school staff

CMY delivers live training and professional development for school staff (online and in-person) and also offers online self-directed training modules. These sessions build the capability of schools to support their students and families of refugee and migrant backgrounds in various ways.

Please contact the training team at training@cmy.net.au or call 03 9340 3700 to book a session. 

Public training calendar

We offer a number of trainings, open to the public, which are suitable for school staff on culturally responsive practice, culturally sustaining schools, anti-racism and other topics.

Please see our Training and Events page for upcoming events.

Book training for your school

We can deliver training tailored to your school staff, either in-person or online, on the topics outlined below.

Culturally Sustaining Schools 
This workshop supports school staff to develop a shared vision of teaching and learning that builds on student strengths, fosters positive identities, and sustains the diversity of cultures within the school. Download flyer for more info, or contact us here for further enquriries or to book a session.

Schools Standing Up to Racism
The free resource is designed to support schools to create safe spaces in which to build the intercultural awareness and understanding required to overcome the barriers to proactively talking about, and addressing, racism and discrimination.

CMY offers workshops to schools to support the implementation of the resource. Further information is available here.

Online modules

Refugee Journeys into Victorian Schools

Increase your understanding of what it is like for students to begin school in a new place, explore challenges for students from refugee backgrounds, as well as their resilience and resourcefulness and reflect on ways to provide support.

Programs for school students

Culturally Responsive Programs

Refugee Education Support Program (RESP)

RESP is a two-year program aimed at assisting schools to identify and implement strategies which have a positive impact on the achievement, engagement, and wellbeing outcomes of students from refugee backgrounds and their families.

RESP works with participating primary and secondary schools in the government and non-government sectors in five defined geographic clusters across Victoria. The program creates a learning community across school clusters to share their practices and ideas to support one another.

Applications are now open for RESP 2024-2025.

To find out more or apply, click here.

Case Studies

Community Support Group – Supporting South Sudanese communities

The South Sudanese Community Support Groups (CSGs) are a coordinated, community-led approach to enhance youth and community engagement, and respond to local community issues and needs through culturally responsive co-designed programs and activities. CSGs work in schools to support better outcomes in education for students from South Sudanese background by:

  • supporting better engagement with parents;
  • offering family support packages for families in financial hardship;
  • delivering co-designed youth leadership and mentorship programs and activities;
  • providing access to sports and recreational opportunities;
  • facilitating school holiday activities, employment and skills training, after school homework support, and a group work program and activities.

The CSG program supports children and young people of all ages as well as families who are located in Dandenong/Casey/Cardinia, Melton/Brimbank and in Wyndham.

Contact us for more infomation:
Archangelo Nyuol Madut | Program Manager
E | anmadut@cmy.net.au

Elizabeth Majok | Project Coordinator; Melton & Brimbank
E | emajok@cmy.net.au

Kenyatta Dei Wal | Project Coordinator; Dandenong & Casey
E | kdeiwal@cmy.net.au

Le Mana Pasifika Youth Project

The ‘Le Mana’ Empower Pasifika Youth Project helps to build a sense of belonging for Pasifika youth aged 12-25 years of age across a range of settings. The Le Mana team offers secondary consultations with school staff as well as structured ten week Pasifika cultural, mentoring and leadership programs in schools. They also run homework clubs, holiday programs, and  community events to assist Pasifika young people who reside or travel in Melbourne’s South East and North West areas for study, work and play or have family and community connections in these areas.

Settling Smarter- Supporting newly-arrived young people

Settling Smarter supports newly arrived young people in Australia to transition and settle into the community.

We empower young people of migrant and refugee backgrounds to build their knowledge, understanding and confidence to ensure they thrive in their new home country.

Settling Smarter focuses on settlement information, advice, orientation and support to ensure social participation, economic well-being, independence, personal wellbeing and community connections.

For more information please email settlingsmarter@cmy.net.au.

Student Leadership

Aspire to Lead

Aspire to Lead is a targeted, term-long, strengths-based leadership program designed for students who are experiencing challenges engaging with the school and the education environment, with an aim to increase school connectedness and social cohesion.

Find out more.

Positive Change Makers – Student leadership training

These training modules help high school students gain the skills needed to become positive change makers. Each session is co-delivered by young people, exploring concepts like values-based leadership, team building, active citizenship, culture and ally-ship through a range of engaging and practical activities.

These sessions are available online or in-person, with more information available here.

Mental Health, Wellbeing and Engagement

Navigator – Supporting disengaged students

Navigator is aimed at high school students in the South East region of Melbourne with 70% or less non-attendance at school. The program provides intensive case management, builds relationships with schools, advocates, offers restorative practices and assertive outreach to support disengaged learners and their families.

For more info, contact:
Bec Lean | South East Program Manager
E | blean@cmy.net.au

Reverb 2.0

In this unique partnership, youth mental health expertise and lived experience are brought together in a multi-pronged, preventative mental health initiative.

REVERB 2.0 embeds multicultural lived experience to address stigma, build cultural responsiveness, and increase young people’s confidence to seek support.

Find out more.

Contact us

Reach out to our MY Education team if you have questions about any of our programs:

E | myeducation@cmy.net.au
P | (03) 9340 3700