CMY’s partnerships are critical in driving the development of more inclusive programs and services for multicultural young people.
We are passionate about sharing our knowledge and expertise to ensure young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds have every opportunity to succeed in Australia.
CMY is seeking partnerships with organisations who have an emphasis on diversity, equity and inclusion. We cultivate sector and community partnerships offering many opportunities for collaboration. Examples of partnership opportunities are listed below.
Partner with us
We offer a range of unique and tailored partnership opportunities that can help you meet your organisational goals, whilst also delivering meaningful outcomes for multicultural young people.
Youth-led partnership
Our youth-led business unit Culture Spring partners with organisations and workplaces to assist them in adapting to the evolving needs of our diverse Australian community.
This may include:
- Diversity workshops
- Consultation
- Diversity Diagnostics
Sector capability partnership
This may include:
- Professional Development and Training
- Tailored Secondary Consultation
- Workshops
- Forums
CMSport partnership
This may include:
- Funding or collaboration on opportunities for building a more inclusive sport sector, and multicultural youth employment and volunteering in the sport sector
- Hosting, promoting or sponsoring forums and webinars designed to share knowledge, make introductions, and bring communities and the sector together.
CMSport is a CMY initiative driving social change through sport.
Research partnership
This may include:
- Funding or collaborating on research and consultations with multicultural young people to inform policy and advocacy at local, state and national levels.
Project partnership
This may include:
- Direct funding or collaboration on our community projects such as:
- Le Mana Pasifika Project supporting young people from Pasifika communities and their families in North West and South East of Melbourne.
- South Sudanese Community Support Groups supporting young people and their families in Melton/Brimbank and Dandenong/Casey/Cardinia.
- Direct funding or collaboration on our youth leadership training workshops, youth-led projects or sports programs. See the full list of programs here.
Your business may also become a valued partner through the provision of in-kind services, volunteers or sponsorship of our many projects and services.
Interested in partnering with CMY?
To discuss opportunities for collaboration, please contact:
Alex Makin | Business Development Manager
E |
T | (03) 7065 6678
CMY 2030 Vision
CMY is an integral partner and member of key youth advocacy and settlement networks. Partnering with us means tapping into a wide range of relevant networks to inform your projects, consultations or initiatives.
Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (MYAN) Australia
The Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (MYAN) is the national voice on multicultural issues and is auspiced by CMY. It was established in 2005 in response to an identified need for a national advisory and advocacy network on multicultural youth issues. MYAN Australia engages in national policy and advocacy work. It also supports a national approach to youth settlement through the development of multicultural youth advocacy networks at the state and territory level.
Victorian Settlement Youth Network (VSYN)
The Victorian Settlement Youth Network (VSYN) brings together representatives from various regional networks to contribute to a state-wide picture of issues impacting on newly-arrived young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds. The VSYN includes regional network representatives engaged in policy development, education service providers, advocacy and research. The VSYN is funded by the Department of Social Services and facilitated by CMY.