An interview with Maxwell, CMY Youth Intern 2022-23
What did you get out of your time as Youth Intern?
I gained vast experience while being in the youth sector and while being the Youth Intern. It definitely opened my eyes up to a multitude of different pathways and careers. I was able to build different networks and connections and most of all just gain experience in the youth sector, which was something that was new for me.
What inspired you to apply to be the Youth Intern in the first place?
I got forwarded the Youth Intern role by my uncle. The job, I guess, came into my lap and it was something that at the beginning, I wasn’t too keen on applying for actually, which was crazy to see where I’m at right now. I’m actually glad I got sent the application.
What was the biggest lesson you learnt in the role?
I’d say the biggest takeaway from me this year was: ‘Don’t be afraid of putting yourself in uncomfortable situations.’ I think for me, being in uncomfortable situations this whole year was a great learning experience for me. It helped me grow as a young person but also helped me grow in the sector in different areas that I wasn’t comfortable in.
What issues affecting young people have you noticed while in your role?
Across my time at CMY, I’ve learnt that there are a lot of issues that are affecting multicultural young people to this day. I would say one of the biggest ones right now is racism, and that’s something that I feel like is very continuously and constantly going on.
I would say another big one that I’ve seen across young people this year is cultural and language barriers, which is something that happens a lot within households. I’ve heard that young people are having to translate to the migrant and refugee parents who don’t quite understand English and having to live, I guess, two different sides of the world trying to fit in and trying to find themselves in terms of their identity within the world. They have to kind of be that mediator and also that interpreter, for example if they go to a doctor and their parents find it hard to understand English.
What does CMY mean to you?
I think CMY to me is a platform that continuously challenges systemic barriers. I think it’s also a place that supports the community as well as providing a space for young people to connect, grow, support and speak.
What should CMY focus on?
I would say CMY needs to focus on supporting the programs within the community. I think we get a lot of young people that come across that want to engage. They have problems and things they want to focus on or target in the community. I think from our perspective as an organisation, we tend to want to create programs that fit to try and fix the problems that the young people have.
I think there are already a lot of programs out there in the communities and I think from an organisation that gets funding, we need to just continue to fund the community, continue to focus our support towards the programs that are already there.
What advice would you give to future Youth Interns?
I would say to be open-minded and have no expectations. I think from my perspective coming into the role, this is something that I didn’t think I’d see myself doing as a young person being in the youth sector, but I came into this role with no expectations and I was open-minded and I was able to gain a great experience. I learned a lot as a young person. I learned a lot about myself. I was able to gain knowledge about the youth sector. I had a really great time and I was able to gain a lot of different networks and connections, which is awesome to walk away with.
What do you want to do next?
I definitely wouldn’t mind staying in the youth sector and I’m definitely looking at trying to continue to do some community work and possibly getting a Cert III or Cert IV and do some studying and youth work.