CEO message: July

CMY welcomes the release of the report of the Australian Government Multicultural Framework Review, Towards Fairness – ​a multicultural Australia for all.

This comprehensive review explores in depth the current state of our multicultural society, and presents a road map of opportunities to build on the strengths of multiculturalism and better respond to contemporary challenges that arise.

In their Response to the Review, the Government highlighted as a key finding from its consultations:

‘Young people, who will inherit and refine Australia’s multicultural future, must be at the heart of policy-making considerations, and were a key focus of the Review.’

The Review was conducted by a panel comprising former CMY Chair Dr Bulent Hass Dellal AO, Ms Nyadol Nyuon OAM and Ms Christine Castley. Our colleague Rana Ebrahimi, MYAN National Manager, contributed valuable insights as a member of the Reference Group supporting the panel.

Nationwide consultations were conducted with 1,430 individuals and 750 organisations, including community and faith groups, First Nations bodies, local government, business representatives, and service and sports clubs. Our MYAN team led youth consultations to ensure that the framework reflects the perspectives and aspirations of multicultural youth across the nation.

The report outlines 29 recommendations, which emerged from the three core principles that underpin the review: Connection; Identity & Belonging; and Inclusion. Among the recommendations, we are pleased to see some of the critical recommendations CMY outlined in our submission, such as:

  • establish a Multicultural Affairs Commission and Commissioner, and standalone Department of Multicultural Affairs, Immigration and Citizenship, with a dedicated Minister; and
  • leverage the potential and strength of Australia’s multicultural youth.

The report notes that ‘while existing multicultural policies aim for access and equity, they fall short in addressing the dynamic needs and diverse realities of young people across all stages of development.’

We fully support the 29 recommendations and urge the Australian Government to commit to actioning them in full as priority, to lead us towards a stronger, more inclusive Australia.

Read the full report on the Review or read the Australian Government Response​.

Read MYAN Australia’s release on the Review.

Finally, with the announcement of a cabinet reshuffle by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese over the weekend, we welcome the Hon Tony Burke MP as the incoming Minister of Home Affairs, Immigration and Multicultural Affairs. The Hon Matt Thistlethwaite MP joins him as the Assistant Minister for Immigration, while Mr Julian Hill MP takes up the role of Assistant Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs.

We thank the Hon Clare O’Neil MP for her contributions in the Home Affairs portfolio, we wish her all the best and look forward to working with her in the Housing and Homelessness Portfolios.

We’d like to acknowledge the Hon Andrew Giles MP for his leadership during the past two years with his significant policy reform and commitment to strengthening multiculturalism, through undertaking of the Multicultural Framework Review. We wish him well in his new role of Minister for Skills and Training. 

We also welcome Mr Peter Khalil MP in his new role as Special Envoy for Social Cohesion.

CMY looks forward to working with the new Ministry to support the implementation of the recommendations emerging from the Multicultural Framework Review.