CEO message: August

This month marked International Youth Day (12 August), a day to shine a spotlight on youth issues and celebrate the enormous potential of young people as active citizens and our next generation of leaders. We were delighted to host a Seat at the Table symposium at Parliament House this week, inviting Members of Parliament and special guests to learn more about this innovative program that nurtures future leaders.  

Since its inception in 2022, CMY has placed and supported 108 young multicultural women on Board observership placements with 82 Boards across the government, public and private/NFP sectors. The program bridges the gap between young multicultural women with significant leadership potential, and Boards who need to strengthen their cultural diversity.  

Whilst the impact and success of Seat at the Table has been significant to the Australian leadership landscape, and to the young women who have participated, the future of the program is now uncertain. CMY is looking for new partnerships to invest in the future of the program. I encourage you to watch this clip to hear how powerful these opportunities can be, for all involved. You can find out more about Seat at the Table and how to support its next phase here.  

Youth Justice Bill 

We welcomed the passing of the Youth Justice Bill in Victorian Parliament this week, an important first step in the long-awaited transformation of the youth justice system. Despite our disappointment in the decision to shelve plans to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 14, we believe raising the age to 12 is a positive move forward. We are committed to working with the Government, our sector partners and the community to eventually raise the age to 14.  

International evidence and legal and medical experts tell us that we need to treat children differently than adults, and we must find alternatives to the courts and prison. The longer children are kept out of the justice system, the less likely they are to offend. Our view is that tackling the root causes early, rather than treating the symptoms, is the best way to reduce offending and make the Victorian community safer.  

Our Community Support Group in Melton recently hosted a visit from the Hon. Enver Erdogan, Minister for Youth Justice, Corrections and Victim Support, along with local member Steve McGhie MP. The team shared with the Minister their vital work in the local South Sudanese community, including sharing perspectives of our new youth justice lived experience mentors.  

Wear It Purple  

Finally, 30 August is Wear It Purple Day – an opportunity to take a stand against the discrimination many LGBTQIA+ young people face, just for being who they are. We believe all young people should have access to safe and inclusive environments that encourage them to be themselves, and support them to thrive. Wear It Purple on 30 August and find out how you can support LGBTQIA+ youth here.

Carmel Guerra OAM