YAG member Albert Mumba awarded City of Ballarat Youth Award
A young Zimbabwe-born cultural diversity advocate and CMY Youth Advisory Group (YAG) member was awarded the 2023 City of Ballarat Youth Award for Equity, Diversity & Inclusion.
Alby Mumba was nominated by CMY’s Regional Presence Project team in Ballarat for the courage he has shown in the face of adversity.
Alby was interviewed by 3BA, Triple J’s Hack and The Courier late last year, where he spoke out about issues facing young people in Ballarat, including equitable access to mental health support, cost of living and racism. He is a member of the Bigger Than This youth working group, an initiative by the Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission and VicHealth to reduce race-based discrimination in schools and communities.
As a YAG member, Alby has assisted in the co-facilitation of well-being sessions, provided insight and knowledge into the African community and helped shaped CMY’s policies.
Alby said receiving the award made him feel good as “an acknowledgement of a job well done and justification for the agony, self-doubt and hard work that went into winning it”.
“The award made me feel proud, happy, overwhelmed and delighted, and boosted my confidence more,” he said. “I plan on turning those feelings of excitement and pride into action that furthers the Ballarat community, careers and life.”
“My dream is to be a political leader or change maker of great distinction in Australia as I am truly dedicated to helping young people in the community feel included.”

The City of Ballarat Youth Awards celebrate the city’s outstanding young people aged between 12 and 25. Since 2005, the Awards have recognised the valuable contributions that young people make in the Ballarat community in a range of sectors including sport, equity, diversity and inclusion, and community service.
The 2023 Awards Ceremony was held on 11th August, delivered by Youth Services volunteers and City of Ballarat staff. The individual contributions of 95 young people were recognised across 10 categories.
City of Ballarat Mayor Cr Des Hudson said the event was a great way to celebrate the contributions of Ballarat’s young people.
“From the calibre of young people nominated for the youth awards, it’s clear our community’s future is bright,” he said. “I’d like to acknowledge and thank every young person, both winners and nominees, for their contributions to our community.”