After a successful transition period, CMSport is excited to introduce new faces to our growing team. We are thrilled to welcome Ridmi and Salima, both alumni of the Seat at the Table initiative. Their addition to CMSport has been instrumental in the launch of our Board Diversity workshop series. In partnership with the Australian Sports Commission (ASC), these workshops are aligned with the ASC’s Governance Standards and form part of the Gender Equity Leadership program. The goal is to help organisations reach the target of having 50% of all board directors, board chairs, and sub-committee members being women or gender diverse.
Currently, only 25% of national sporting organisations are chaired by women. Through the Gender Equity Program, the ASC aims to support organisations in not only meeting but exceeding these targets, fostering a more inclusive and effective sports governance system.
Our workshop series is designed with a multicultural lens, focusing on enhancing the understanding and value of inclusion from a multicultural perspective at the board level with National Sporting Organisations (NSOs). This approach ensures that diverse voices are not only heard but valued in the decision-making process.
In addition to Ridmi and Salima, we also welcomed Heli Newton, Project Officer for Diversity and Inclusion Sport Alliance (DISA), and Prayansh Aditya Desai, Together More Active Project Officer. With our team nearly at full capacity, we are ready to push forward with our projects, ensuring CMSport’s vision of creating systemic changes that enable more people from multicultural backgrounds to access sport and recreation in a safe and inclusive environment.
As the CMSport family grows, we are excited to expand our reach and form new partnerships. We look forward to working with more organisations to increase diversity in leadership roles across the sector.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey towards a more inclusive sporting ecosystem.