CMY backs raising the age of criminal responsibility to 12, but 14 is our goal

CMY is disappointed in the Victorian Government’s announcement that they are shelving plans to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 14, as initially promised.  

We see the commitment to raising the age of criminal responsibility to 12 as an important first step, and we are pleased that this remains in the Bill that is currently before Parliament. We are hopeful that decision-makers will consider further improvements that better prioritise the rights, safety, and wellbeing of children and young people.  

“International evidence and legal and medical experts tell us that we need to treat children differently than adults, and we must find alternatives to the courts and prison. The longer children are kept out of the justice system, the less likely they are to offend. Our view is that tackling the root causes early, rather than treating the symptoms, is the best way to reduce offending and make the Victorian community safer. 

This is why we welcome raising the age to 12 as the first step forward, and are committed to working with the Government, our sector partners and the community to eventually raise the age to 14.” – Carmel Guerra, CMY’s CEO 

Addressing the root causes should begin with acknowledging the significant overrepresentation of multicultural young people in the justice system, and a meaningful investment in early intervention and prevention programs. 

Watch our CEO Carmel Guerra’s recent media appearance on 7NEWS here.