A Young and Multicultural Victoria: The 2021 Census

Discover the Vibrant Diversity of Victoria’s Youth Population

This is the second “Young and Multicultural Report” exploring what the Australian 2021 Census of Population and Housing can tell us about young Victorians from refugee and migrant backgrounds – an incredibly diverse cohort that make up almost half of Victoria’s youth population yet are often poorly reflected in key data and reporting.

Our report series is structured for easy navigation, with a high-level executive summary of key findings and five detailed data reports that explore various facets of Victoria’s youth profile:

Report 1: Youth Profile

Report 2: Where young people live

Report 3: Education, training, and employment

Report 4: Income and housing

Report 5: Health, care, and support


Explore the reports and gain valuable insights into the lives of our young multicultural people who are shaping the future of Australia.